Lil Creature | $15 ~ $20
Smol Chibi with 3 Border Choices
Diary | $25 / 2500 pts
Flowery Sketch Page
Vintage | $25 / 2500 pts
Monocolor Halfbody
Frame | $40 / 4000 pts
Color Portrait Painting (might have slight changes)
Fullbody | $50 / 5000 pts
Colored Fullbody (might have slight changes)
Pixel box | $70+
Please contact rookksan#3514 to discuss !
Custom Design | $70+
Please contact rookksan#3514 to discuss !
Contact rookksan#3514
By commissioning me you agree to abide by these terms and conditions
GENERALA clear visual reference is required.WIP will be provided unless the commission is a YCH / sketch / chibi.After a commission is completed, you can request up to two small changes. Additional or major changes will incur extra charges.====================================================PAYMENTPayment is 100% upfront.I accept Paypal, Ko-fi, Da Pts ( 1$ : 100 pts )REFUNDRefunds are based on the progress of the artwork.No refunds will be issued after the artwork is completed.====================================================DELIVERYTurnaround time is 1 week ~ 2 months. Check my Trello for status, progress, and waitlist.If you need the artwork by a specific date, please let me know! A rush fee may apply for urgent requests or if skipping the queue.====================================================USAGECommissions are for personal use only.You can:Share or print the artwork for personal use.Make small edits to the artwork.You cannot:Use the artwork in AI or NFTs.Remove credit or claim the artwork as your own.Trace or heavily reference the artwork.Use the artwork for commercial purposes.====================================================RIGHTSI reserve the right to accept or decline commissions for any reason.I retain the rights to the artwork, except for your character.I reserve the right to display any commissioned artwork publicly unless requested otherwise.====================================================WHAT I CAN DRAWOriginal charactersHumanoids / Furries / AnthrosFerals / Species / MonstersBlood / Light Gore====================================================
Contact rookksan#3514
Page help created by @pupheh